復興への、海外政府・投資機関との交渉記録 ・ オファー書類KOJI SUZUKI Total Project-Producer

Singapore government
Mr. MAH Bow Tan
Minister for National Development
Dr. Yaacob Ibrahim
Minister for the Environment and
Water Resources (as of 2010)
MAH Bow Tanシンガポール政府国家開発省大臣

Singapore government
Mr. Lee Yi Shyan , Minister of State

Mr. Lim Chin Beng
Former Ambassador to Japan
CapitaLand ILEC (Singapore GLC)
Mr. Wong Heang Fine, CEO

Suntec Investment Pte Ltd
Mr. Ricky Sim, CEO
Mr. Ng Kiat Chong, former PSA CEO
Mr. V.K. Rajan
Former Ambassador of Singapore to Egypt

Cheung Kong Holdings Ltd.
Mr. Edmond Ip, Deputy Managing Director
Hutchison Port Holdings (HPH)
Mr. Raymond LAW CEO,
Australasia and North Asia

PSA International Ltd.
Mr. Vincent LIM CEO, NE Asia
Global Maritime & Port Services Pte Ltd
Mr. Goon Kok Loon, Executive Chairman
Capt. Chua, Wilson Vice Chairman
Mr. Sheri, L.K. CEO

Keppel Land International Ltd
(Singapore GLC)
Mr. Tan Swee Yiow, CEO
Mr. John Tan, Manager
(Singapore Chinese Chamber of
Commerce & Industry)
Mr. Lim Sah Soon, Secretary-General
Mr. Mak Yuen Chong, Director

Mr. Lim Chin Beng, Chairman
Changi Airports International Pte. Ltd.
Mr. Alan Chan, CEO
Singapore Press Holdings Ltd.
Chairman of URA

Marina Bay Sands Pte Ltd
Mr. George Tanasijevich
President & CEO
Mr. Goh Phai Cheng
Senior Counsel, Goh Phai Cheng LLC
Advocates & Solicitors
Former Judicial Commissioner of the
Supreme Court of Singapore

Sino-Singapore Tianjin Eco-city
Investment & Development Co. Ltd
Mr. HO Tong Yen, CEO
Mr. Ng Ooi Hooi, Deputy CEO others

(Tianjin Economic -Technological
Development Area)
呉江市 経済特区・環境都市開発

Wu Jiang Economic Special Zone
/Ecological City Development

Dandong Economic Special
Zone/Ecological City Development

10th WCEC
(World Chinese Entrepreneurs Convention)

Mr. Gim Lee, Chairman
Omartis Pte Ltd
Mr. Richard Ng
Chairman of Dyson Group

Mr. Hui Wing Mau, Chairman
Shimao Group
Dr. Lucio C. Tan, Chairman
Lucio Tan Group of Companies
Chairman and CEO, Philippine Airline

Mr. Teofisto “TG” Guingona V
Congressman, House of Rep.
Republic of Philippines

Member of Singapore Delegation

Mr. Chen Feng - Chairman,
Hainan Airlines Company, Ltd. 海航集団
Mr. George Yeo
Minister for Foreign Affairs,
Republic of Singapore
復興への、海外政府・投資機関との交渉記録 ・ オファー書類 ―当方交渉への、米国大統領室を含む海外オファー
Records of negotiations with foreign governments and investment institutions and documents of their offers toward Revitalization
−Offers from abroad including the US White House in response to our negotiations−
Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake 1995 → Great East Japan Earthquake 2011
Efforts to rehabilitate the affected areas and to revitalize the Japanese economy

“Open Rehabilitation:
   Real Rehabilitation cannot be realized without Opening Japan”

Evidence from the experience after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the “Structure of the strategy” and “Actions” needed for the rehabilitation from the Great East Japan Earthquake.”

日本の成長戦略づくりとして行った経済ハブ会合(2008〜2010年)は、国家戦略として日本が生き延びるために必要となる 『開かれた日本の構造づくり』 でもある。

阪神淡路大震災に続く、東日本大震災からの復興は、この 『開かれた日本の構造づくり』 に伴い、TPP参画を契機として、海外政府・投資機関との協働化により、復興原資を得、産業復興を達成し得ると考える。

Japan’s growth strategy discussed in the meetings on Economic Hub Development (2008-2010) means to “create a structure to open Japan.”

By creating the structure to open Japan, we believe that rehabilitation efforts for the Great East Japan Earthquake following the Hanshin Awaji Earthquake will help mobilize funds for rehabilitation and industrial revitalization at the opportunity of Japan’s participation in TPP with the cooperation by foreign governments and investment institutions.

Below, the progress of our activities needed for the rehabilitation of the disaster area and Japan is outlined.
1■ 超党派復興会合(2011年〜) の会合期間中に行った、
1 Reports on negotiations with overseas organizations by Suzuki sent to MPs to ensure required rehabilitation funds while the Non-Partisan Rehabilitation meetings were held (2011 and on)
21 October 2011, sent from Hong Kong
2011年10月8日、第11回世界華商会議 シンガポールより送信
送付先議員 ( 超党派復興会合 及び 経済ハブ推進会合 の参加者 他) :
石原信雄 元官房副長官
野田佳彦議員 仙谷由人議員 樽床伸二議員 逢沢一郎議員 岩屋毅議員
笠 浩史議員 松原 仁議員 長島昭久議員 原口一博議員 古賀一成議員
渡辺喜美議員 松沢成文知事      
枝野幸男議員 玄葉光一郎議員 前原誠司議員 松野頼久議員  

MPs addressed:
Ishihara, Nobuo, former deputy Chief Cabinet Secretary
Noda, Yoshihiko, MP, DPJ Sengoku, Yoshito, MP, DPJ Tarutoko, Shinji, MP, DPJ
Aisawa, Ichiro, MP, LDP Iwaya, Takeshi, MP, LDP Ryu, Hirobumi, MP, DPJ
Matsubara, Jin, MP, DPJ Nagashima, Akihisa, MP, DPJ Haraguchi, Kazuhiro, MP, DPJ
Koga, Issei, MP, DPJ Watanabe, Yoshimi, MP, Your Party Matsuzawa, Shigefumi, Kanagawa Governor
Edano, Yukio, MP, DPJ Gemba, Koichiro, MP, DPJ Maehara, Seiji, MP, DPJ
Matsuno, Yorihisa, MP, DPJ    
2■ 「復興4特区」、特に「エコシティ+自動車新産業特区」への投資・開発協力に向けた交渉内容
―――超党派復興会合 及び 経済ハブ推進会合 に参加の議員各位に報告。
2 Negotiations on the investment and cooperation in the development of “Four Rehabilitation Special Zones” in particular the “Eco-City + Automobile-related Industries Special Zone.”
- Reported to member MPs in the non-partisan Rehabilitation Group and Economic Hub Development Group -
シンガポール政府MAH Bow Tan国家開発省元大臣へ手渡し、説明。
――― 投資・開発協力への検討書類
August 25, 2011
Handing over and explaining a document to former Minister Mah Bow Tan of National Development
He gave me a positive response to invest and cooperate in the development of the Special Zone project, and agreed a mission to be sent to Japan.
―― Discussion papers for investment and cooperation in the development
MAH Bow Tan国家開発省元大臣、及びLee Yi Shyan特命大臣との打合せ記録
『エコシティ+自動車新産業特区 』の事業構造図『エコシティ+自動車新産業特区 』の事業構造図
2011年10月5〜8日、第11回世界華商会議 会場にて行った、

3■ 経済ハブ会合(2008〜2010年) の会合期間中に行った、
3 Reports on negotiations with overseas organizations by Suzuki sent to MPs while Economic Hub Development meetings were held (2008-2010).
They contained information required for drafting the Basic Hub Development Act.
5 August 2010, sent from Singapore
22 July 2010, sent from Hong Kong
11 June 2010, sent from Shanghai
29 January 2010, sent from Shanghai
15 January 2010, sent from Beijing
2009年11月30日、第10回世界華商会議 マニラより送信
30 November 2009, sent from Manila, 10th WCEC
2009年11月21日、第10回世界華商会議 マニラより送信
21 November 2009, sent from Manila, 10th WCEC
22 July 2009, sent from Hong Kong
送付先議員: (同上)
MPs addressed:  (same as above)
4■ 世界最大の環境都市「天津エコシティ」への当方のプロデュース参画と、
4■ Our participation in producing the world largest ecological city “Tianjin Eco-City” and a joint development study between the Singapore government as its general director.
○ 当方は2009年より、世界最大の環境都市開発 「天津エコシティ ※」の核事業のためのプロデュース業務を進めている。
天津エコシティを進める統括者・CEO、幹部との間で、天津および日本(東京)での相互に往来してのスタディ を進めている。
Since 2009, we have been engaged in producing the core projects in the world largest ecological city “Tianjin Eco-City.”
We obtained approvals from key persons of the Singapore and Japanese governments to promote our proposal to develop a sister project in Japan which has a structure to develop an interactive business model. We are conducting a feasibility study with the CEO and other executives of the Tianjin Eco-City organizer by mutually visiting Tokyo and Tianjin.
○ 東日本大震災への超党派復興会合による「4特区」提言内の、特に「エコシティ+自動車新産業特区」 の投資・開発に向け、天津エコシティを統括するシンガポール政府国家開発省MAH Bow Tan大臣との間で、協力検討への交渉を行った。

※ 天津エコシティは、シンガポール政府と中国政府(温家宝首相)が二国間のFTAを結び、シンガポール政府が世界からの優良な投資を集め、開発を行っている。
We negotiated with Minister Mah Bow Tan of National Development of Singapore who directed the Tianjin Eco-City for his cooperation with the “Eco-City + Automobile-related New Industries Special Zone” among the “Four Special Zones” proposed by the non-partisan Rehabilitation Group to rehabilitate the affected area of the Great East Japan Earthquake.
As of October 2011, we are discussing the plan as a national project taking an opportunity of receiving a Singapore Mission to Japan comprising investment institutions headed by Minister Mah.
※ The Tianjin Eco-City is developed by the Singapore government mobilizing investors from the world upon signing an FTA agreement with the Chinese government (Prime Minister Wen Jiabao).

Meetings with SSTEC Tianjin Eco-City

Meeting with TEDA government in Tianjin
「シンガポール政府−中国政府」開発における、日本との姉妹事業構造図 Structure of the sister project in Japan to the Singapore-China development project
→ 東日本大震災TPP等、開国事業による復興原資の獲得に向けた戦略構図
Great East Japan Earthquake
Strategic Structure for obtaining rehabilitation funds through TPP and other open-Japan projects
被災地復興−天津エコシティ」開発における 姉妹事業構造図
Structure of the sister project “Great East Japan Earthquake affected area rehabilitation−Tianjin Eco-City” development

5■ 海外政府、自治政府からの依頼による、経済特区・環境都市開発へのプロデュース
5■ Producing Economic Special Zones and Ecological City Developments upon request from foreign governments and local governments
呉江市 経済特区・環境都市開発
呉江市 経済特区・環境都市開発
Wujiang Economic Special Zone/Ecological City Development

呉江市 経済特区・環境都市開発
丹東市 経済特区・環境都市開発
Dandong Economic Special Zone/Ecological City Development

呉江市 経済特区・環境都市開発
Tianjin Economic - Technological Development Area (TEDA)

天津TEDA政府との交渉打合せ (TEDAウェブサイトより)
Meeting with TEDA government in Tianjin (News release in the website of TEDA)
“開かれた復興” =『国を開かなければ真の復興を成しえない』ことの、前・震災よりの実証と、現・震災復興に必要となる「戦略の構造」と「行動内容」 について
“Open Rehabilitation:
   Real Rehabilitation cannot be realized without Opening Japan”

Evidence from the experience after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and the “Structure of the strategy” and “Actions” needed for the rehabilitation from the Great East Japan Earthquake.”
阪神淡路大震災に当方がとった復興策・行動は、「第一回WTO、香港返還を背景とするアジアでのダイナミズム再編のもとに、具体的な構造と行動(下記)によって復興原資を取り入れ、復興を図るもの」であった。 第一回目の開国機会。
The rehabilitation policy and action that we deployed after the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake were intended to rehabilitate Kobe by inviting funds for practical structure and activities (below) in the context of changing dynamism in Asia driven by the 1st WTO conference and the return of Hong Kong to China. (First Opportunity to Open Japan’s Doors)
東日本大震災の復興においては、「TPPをはじめとする国際枠組みの加速からの、アジアでのダイナミズム再編を、被災地 及び日本へ取り入れていくことの戦略的な構造が現在必要となり、具体的なアクションを起こしている」ところである。  第二回目の開国機会。
For the rehabilitation of the Great East Japan Earthquake, “A strategic structure is required to introduce changing dynamism of Asia accelerated by TPP and other international frameworks for the affected area and Japan, and we are taking concrete action for it.” (Second Opportunity to Open Japan’s Doors)
阪神淡路大震災時にとった復興への戦略と行動が、今回の震災に生かされることを強く信じ、活動を行っているところである。 「国益戦略をもっての開国は、真の復興を獲らえ得る」 と考える。
Although the scale is much larger, social conditions and environment for rehabilitation after the East Japan Earthquake closely resembles those after the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
Believing that the strategy and action we deployed after the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake will be applied to the rehabilitation of the affected area of the East Japan Earthquake, we are taking actions.
We believe that “Opening Japan with the strategy to seek national interest will lead rehabilitation efforts in real terms.”

震災以前より提言を行う予定であった経済特区制度の導入について、提言を行った。 貝原知事はこの提言を受け入れ、後日新聞発表を行った。
On the very day of the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake on January 17, 1995, we had an appointment to meet Mayor Sasayama of Kobe followed by a meeting with Governor Kaibara of Hyogo prefecture to propose the introduction of Economic Special Zones in Hyogo prefecture. Immediately after the earthquake, we proposed this initiative, and Governor Kaibara accepted this, and announced it to the press a few days later.
「翌1997年の香港の中国返還に伴う 香港資産の分散」 に着目して、
Our proposal to introduce Economic Special Zones intended to catch the trend of liberalizing investments, port operations and communication services at the 1st WTO ministerial conference in Singapore in 1996, and the dispersal of assets of Hong Kong at the time of its return to China in 1997.
『 中国の蘇州・無錫・上海における経済特区エリアに向かう、
シンガポール政府のオペレーションによる世界中の投資集約 と、
優良な投資を日本へ呼び込もう 』 というものであった。

当方は、世界1、2位のHutchison Whampoa社PSA社との間で交渉を行い、移設へのオファーを得ていた。 また、米国より日本への港湾制裁を解除させるための条件として、米国通商代表 Charlene Barshefskyもこれに同意していた。(当方がIndependent-Producerの立場で交渉。)
It included:
1. Establish a strategic structure between Economic Special Zones in Suzhou, Wuxi and Shanghai into which investments from the world were introduced promoted by the Singapore government and Kobe Port and its hinterland in order to invite investors to Japan.
A few ministers of Singapore and British-supported companies in Hong Kong supported the proposal and gave us letters of their offers.

2. Transfer 4 million TEUs of transit resources from Hong Kong to Kobe Port, a major trading port in Japan, as a means to transfer their assets outside Hong Kong..
We negotiated with Hutchison Whampoa and PSA, the world first and second port operators, and received their offer to transfer their resources.US Trade Representative Charlene Barshefsky also agreed to their transfer as a condition to lift US sanctions on Japanese ships entering US ports. (Suzuki negotiated with her on the capacity of an independent producer.)


これらより、既に 阪神淡路大震災時より、 当方提言と一連の活動は、
『 国を開かなければ、真の復興を成し得ないこと 』 を、実証している。
For 1, Chairman Shimokobe of the Rehabilitation Committee initiated the “Kobe-Shanghai and Yangtze Basin Economic Exchange Project” upon our proposal. Unfortunately, the Japanese government did not approve the introduction of Economic Special Zones in the affected area, and as a result, industrial rehabilitation was not realized.

For 2, the Kobe city office did not accept the large investments from abroad that we had prepared for the reason of excluding overseas port operators. (The city rejected the reform of bad restrictions and practices in cargo handling at ports and its hinterlands.)

The above facts after the Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake show that our proposals and activities will not “help the rehabilitation of the disaster area without opening the country.”

日本が 「国を開くことへの構造を持った国家戦略」 とともに、TPP他の国際的な枠組みに日本が参画し、国益となる交易条件を確保するとともに、
復興に必要となる様々な復興原資(対内投資、エネルギー、起業家等人材資源、知識資源 他)を獲得する必要があると考える。
Rehabilitation from the Great East Japan Earthquake is closely related to the economic revitalization of Japan as a whole. Therefore, we need stronger strategies and activities than the case of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake.
We consider it necessary for Japan to have a national strategy with a structure to open the country, to participate in TPP and other international frameworks and to ensure trading conditions to be in the national interest. At the same time, funds for rehabilitation (domestic investment, energy, human resources including entrepreneurs, knowledge resources, etc.) should be obtained.
2008年よりの「経済ハブ会合」と、2011年からの「超党派復興会合」 よりの提言は、「日本の “成長戦略を基本法でつくる” ことによる、国家戦略」 であり、また、 「具体的な構造 と 行動内容を持つ、日本の復興計画」 でもある。
Draft of Act
Media Release

1. 当方による、アジアの成長を牽引する、海外政府、政府系企業、投資機関 等と当方間の
2. 当方より参画議員各位への、同交渉内容の報告活動(2011年〜) (2008〜2010年)、
3. 議員各位による会合内容の政策への実施移行活動によって、推進されている。

Proposals by the “Economic Hub Development” meetings from 2008, and the non-partisan “Rehabilitation” meetings in 2011 mean the “the national strategy by stipulating the growth strategy of Japan as a Basic Act” as well as the “revitalization plan for Japan with a concrete structure and actions.”

These proposals are promoted by our continuous negotiations with foreign governments, government-linked corporations and investment institutions which lead the growth of Asia, reporting of the negotiations to MPs participating in the meetings (2011) (2008-2010), and putting the contents into actual governmental policies by participating MPs.

6■ 阪神淡路大震災時に、復興に向け、興し活動した構造 (1995-97年)
6■ Structures which were devised and promoted for post-Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake rehabilitation (1995〜1997)
1. 復興に向け当方がとった、「日本政府、日本企業、及び海外政府・企業」 間の推進構造
“Structure to promote relations among the Japanese government, Japanese corporations, overseas governments and corporations” produced by Suzuki  
(prepared by the Rehabilitation Committee)
2. WTO閣僚会議(1996年 第一回、当方は日本代表)にて、日本の復興への投資導入を呼び掛け。
   日本政府への経済特区を含む制度改変を提言した文書。 3. 政府(下河辺復興委員会委員長)への、経済特区制度提言の構造
The structure of the proposal for the Economic Special Zone System to the government (Chairman Shimokobe of the Rehabilitation Committee)
4. 被災地への経済特区制度導入による、海外政府、企業からの投資導入による復興の構造
The structure of rehabilitation by introducing the Economic Special Zone System to the earthquake affected area to which foreign governments and corporations will be invited.
5. 被災地の港湾、後背地への国際資本導入による、日本の復興に向けた戦略構造
6. 政府への提言よりなる「経済特区制度としてのエンタープライズ制度」づくりへの設置委員会
Committee to establish the “Enterprise Zone System as the Economic Special Zone System” proposed to the government
7■ 阪神淡路大震災時の
7■ Offers for investments and mental support obtained through my negotiations with foreign governments and investment institutions for the rehabilitation of the affected area of the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake and whole Japan.
1. 米国政府大統領室 バーシェフスキー通商代表 2. シンガポール政府 MAH Bow Tan運輸通信大臣
3. ハチソン・ワンポア社(世界最大の英国系香港財閥、港湾オペレーター) 4. PSA(シンガポール政府 港湾オペレーター)
8■ 経済ハブ会合(2008〜2010年) の会合期間中に行った、
8 Record of negotiations on matters necessary to draft the Basic Act with foreign governments in the period of Economic Hub meetings (2008-2010)
1. 日本の成長戦略を基本法として創るための骨子検討図書 ----シンガポール政府協力 2. 日本の復興への、経済ハブ推進による「日本―シンガポール間の最高機関の創設」交渉
9■ 第10回世界華商会議(2009年11月、於:マニラ) に、シンガポール代表として出席。
9 Suzuki took part in the 10th WCEC held in Manila in November 2009 as a member of the Singapore delegation. At the convention, Suzuki explained his strategies to open Japan on behalf of the parliamentary Economic Hub Development group. Suzuki also negotiated with delegates to make investments in Japan to help its economic revival.



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the Rehabilitation Vision
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Economic Hub Development

総合プロデューサー 鈴木浩二事務所