The Inter-Party Policy Proposal Meeting
To Make Successful Olympics-related Projects: Phase 3
Action Program to Organize the Tokyo Olympics 2020 Successfully through Joint Efforts by the Government-Tokyo Metropolitan Government- the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee, TOCOG and the Private Sector
(Present – During and 10-20 Years after the Olympics/Paralympics)
⇒ “Olympic Plaza (tentative name)” will be established at 100 locations
The proposal by our meeting (Policy Proposal meetings on the Olympics Phase 2, 2014-15) has provided the government and Tokyo Metropolitan government with the goals and main points to prepare for the successful Olympics.
Currently, some people are suspicious about the success of the Olympics. We discussed ways to sweep away their suspicious feeling, and ways to offer them dreams.
In concrete, Suzuki specified the following discussion points and prepared a draft proposal to respond to these points.
Means to promote communication among the promoting organizations (government, Tokyo Metropolitan government and the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee), and to make the decision-making process more visible.
How to rebuild strategies to save the financial difficulty in organizing the Olympics/Paralympics.
What should be included in the strategies to upgrade the current economy of Japan, and to help promote the government policy “Promoting Dynamic Engagement of All Citizens.”
The Policy Meeting approved the draft proposal at its proposal.
The proposal (B1-size Strategic Document) was then explained to the leaders of the organizations (Minister Endo for the Olympics, Vice-governor Akiyama of the Tokyo Metropolitan government, and Director General /CEO Muto of the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee, TOCOG) followed by discussions with them.
Meetings with members of the Inter-party Policy Proposal Meeting and leading members in the above organizations were held.
政策会合の記録 Records of Meetings of the Policy Proposal Meeting
■ 2016年4月21日 第11回 政策会合記録 11th Meeting April 21, 2016
Subjects for Discussion:
Presenting a concrete scenario for a successful organization of the Olympic-related projects
How to prepare a master plan “to encourage people to take part positively in the Olympics and Paralympics”
What will be needed to “prepare a successful policy to promote business (the economy) in order to create a new legacy?
People invited
(Random order including those people to whom discussion materials were distributed and explained beforehand)
⇒ Business study for “Olympic Plaza (tentative name)” Multiple- base deployment plan
お声を掛けた方々: 順不同 (事前資料配布・説明含)
逢沢一郎 衆議院議員
遠藤利明 衆議院議員(五輪相)
岩屋 毅 衆議院議員
渡海紀三朗 衆議院議員
山本有二 衆議院議員
黄川田仁志 衆議院議員
額賀nu郎 衆議院議員
山下貴司 衆議院議員
大串正樹 衆議院議員
盛山正仁 衆議院議員
鈴木淳司 衆議院議員
野田佳彦 衆議院議員
笠 浩史 衆議院議員
松原 仁 衆議院議員
長島昭久 衆議院議員
原口一博 衆議院議員
前原誠司 衆議院議員
松野頼久 衆議院議員
松沢成文 参議院議員
武藤敏郎 事務総長
同 大会準備運営第一局
井上恵嗣 局長
福嶋義博 大会計画部 調整課長
徳山日出男 事務次官
秋山俊行 副知事 (五輪組織委員会副会長)
生活文化局 多羅尾光睦局長
都市整備局 小野幹雄部長
オリンピック・パラリンピック準備局 児玉英一郎部長
張富士夫 名誉会長
小泉 直OB/日本ゴルフツアー機構名誉会長
セガG (五輪公式ゲーム ロンドン2012、北京2008 MP) 鶴見代表、小口代表
隈 研吾
建築家 新国立競技場設計
学習院大学 教授
石原信雄 顧問 元官房副長官
鈴木浩二 幹事 総合プロデューサー
List of Participants
MP Ichiro AISAWA, House of Rep. (LDP, The Liberal Democratic Party)
MP Toshiaki ENDO, House of Rep. (LDP),
Minister in charge of the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games
MP Takeshi IWAYA, House of Rep. (LDP)
MP Kisaburo TOKAI, House of Rep. (LDP)
MP Yuji YAMAMOTO, House of Rep. (LDP)
MP Hitoshi KIKAWADA, House of Rep. (LDP)
MP Fukushiro NUKAGA, House of Rep. (LDP)
MP Takashi YAMASHITA, House of Rep. (LDP)
MP Masaki OGUSHI, House of Rep. (LDP)
MP Masahito MORIYAMA, House of Rep. (LDP)
MP Junji SUZUKI, House of Rep. (LDP)
MP Yoshihiko NODA, House of Rep. (DP, The Democratic Party)
MP Hirofumi RYU, House of Rep. (DP)
MP Jin MATSUBARA, House of Rep. (DP)
MP Akihisa NAGASHIMA, House of Rep. (DP)
MP Kazuhiro HARAGUCHI, House of Rep. (DP)
MP Seiji MAEHARA, House of Rep. (DP)
MP Yorihisa MATSUNO, House of Rep. (DP)
MP Shigefumi MATSUZAWA, House of Councilors (Independent)
The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (TOCOG)
Toshiro MUTO, Director General / CEO
Keiji INOUE, Executive Director of Games Operations
Yoshihiro FUKUSHIMA, Director of Games Coordination
Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism.
Hideo TOKUAMA, Administrative vice-minister
Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Toshiyuki AKIYAMA, Vice Governor
(in charge of the Tokyo Olympic andParalympic Games)
Mitsuchika TARAO, Director General, Bureau of Citizens and Cultural Affairs
Eiichirou KODAMA, Senior Director General, Coordination Division,
Bureau of Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games Preparation
Mikio ONO, Senior Director for City-space Project, Bureau of Urban Development
Private sectors:
TOYOTA Motor Corporation
Fujio CHO, Honorary Chairman
Tadashi KOIZUMI, former executive officer of Toyota,
/ present Honorary chairman of Japan Golf Tour Organization
Sega Group ( London 2012, Beijing 2008 / the Official Video Game of the Olympic Games)
/ Designer + Executor of the construction of the New National Stadium
Motoshige ITOH, Professor of Gakushuin University
Organizer: Koji SUZUKI, Total Project-Producer
Advisor: Nobuo ISHIHARA, former Chief Cabinet Secretary
Nobuo ISHIHARA, former Chief Cabinet Secretary
Koji SUZUKI, Total Project-Producer
----- The Inter-Party Policy Proposal Meeting
New style of organizing the Olympics/Paralympics in success designed in Japan will be disseminated from Japan to the World (potential marketing partners, IOC and relevant International Organizations)
------- “New business structures devised in Japan as a nation of manufacturing to support the Olympics/Paralympics” and the “transparent promoting structure”
Comparing to people’s enthusiasm to invite the Olympics/Paralympics 2020 to Japan, there are some people who are suspicious about the success of the Olympics. In order to sweep away their suspicious feeling, and to put our dream into reality, we discussed the development of “visible business sites(*1) in cooperation with people, the government and Tokyo Metropolitan government, the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee and Olympic sponsor corporations (Marketing Partners). The sites will be introduced to places close to people’s activities and corporate activities. (*2)
With this plan, we have made the decision-making process more visible, and prepared a strategic scenario to lead the Olympics into a success. (*3)
⇒ “Olympic Plaza (tentative name)” Multiple- base deployment plan
Bearing in mind “What would be a legacy that we can leave to coming generations in the next half century?” the Inter-party Policy Proposal Meeting has explained the plan to members of parliament, the leaders of organizations responsible for the Olympics (government, Tokyo Metropolitan government, the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee), managerial leaders of relevant ministries and agencies, and leaders of the private sector (marketing partner corporations), and they shared the plan. The Policy Proposal Meeting is now in the process of discussing the plan more in detail. (*4)
After Japan led the world as a high-tech nation (considering the International Exposition, Tsukuba, Japan in 1985 as momentum), Japan has been reluctant to create an opportunity to display its creativity and initiative in the world for a long time.
However, we have expertise to revive Japan to lead the world.
While respecting the traditional Olympic spirit and rules, we would like to present a scenario to organize successful Olympic Games unique to Japan which can be succeeded to coming Olympic Games. We are confident, through this scenario, that we can take action to achieve economic growth on the global level, and standardize and practice the means of conserving the environment through Japan’s technology worldwide.
*1) Business units where people can participate to realize plans “to make practical use of new technologies and spread their use” and “to create new methods to lead the economy.”
Creating a Master Plan to allow “people, business corporations and organizations to take action upon their own initiative.”
Increasing Marketing Partners (participants as Olympic sponsors) in number
Increasing Marketing Partners and other business corporations across the borders of industries both in Japan and other countries
- - Involving highly motivated “engineers, medium-size companies in engineering and service industry, and citizens” -
Increasing participants as part of the “Promoting dynamic engagement of all citizens” (Prime Minister Abe), and its penetration into local cities and returning profits to local cities
*2) New National Stadium as a core, Athlete’s Quarters, Tokyo Stadium and other facilities, centers and commercial complexes in the Metropolitan area, and also in local towns
*3) Strategic Document: Original Chart (B1 size) and Theme-specific outlines in frames
⇒ “Olympic Plaza (tentative name)” Multiple- base deployment plan
*4) Record of the 11th Meeting
戦略図書(たたき台)のフレーム 注)部分をクリックすると原版へリンクできます。
“Olympic Plaza (tentative name)” Multiple- base deployment plan
Strategic Document: Theme-specific outlines in frames - Japanese and English
戦略図書(たたき台)の原版 −B1サイズ
“Olympic Plaza (tentative name)” Multiple- base deployment plan
Strategic Document: Original Chart (B1 size) - Japanese Only
10th Meeting on January 8, 2106
Designer + Executor of the construction of the New National Stadium decided:
Celebrating the winner Kengo Kuma, architect, of design competition for the Stadium
Who is a member of the Policy Proposal Meeting At Suzuki Office
Summary of the Proposal presented at the 11th Meeting on April 21, 2016
Action Program to Organize the Tokyo Olympics 2020 Successfully through Joint Efforts by the Government -- Tokyo Metropolitan government – the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee, TOCOG and the Private Sector
“Visible Business Sites” in Olympic facilities and city centers across the country
1. Creating “Visible Business Sites” for people, Tokyo Metropolitan and national governments, the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee, private sector/Olympic clients (inc. Marketing Partners) (providing opportunities for promoting dynamic engagement of all citizens)
To places close to our life and business corporation activities
2. Not dependent on the budgetary allocations by the Tokyo Metropolitan and national governments (greater feasibility)
People, business corporations and organizations can take action upon their own initiative.
Key factors:
Creating a Master Plan to allow “people, business corporations and organizations to take action upon their own initiative.”
Increasing Marketing Partners (participants as Olympic sponsors) in number
Increasing Marketing Partners and other business corporations participating in the Action Program across the borders of industries both in Japan and other countries
- Involving highly motivated “engineers, medium-size companies in engineering and service industry, and citizens” -
Increasing participants in the Action Program as part of the “Promoting dynamic engagement of all citizens” (Prime Minister Abe), and its penetration into local cities and returning profits to local cities
Create “visible business sties” which allow anyone to take part in, and
Introduce them to places closer to our living and corporate activities
Objects for Introduction of the Action Program:
Business introduced into Olympic Game venues, athletes’ quarters, etc. upon compliance with the IOC’s Clean Venue principle
Obtain recognition as a new Japan-style Olympic Marketing method
Candidate site for “Olympic Plaza (tentative name)” :
New National Stadium, Athletes’ Quarters, Tokyo Stadium in Chofu, and other Olympic facilities
Existing commercial complexes, shopping centers, local shopping streets
- from the Metropolitan area to all corners of Japan –
Major centers in Tokyo (Shinjuku, Shibuya, Ginza, Roppongi, etc.)
For the Tokyo Metropolitan Government
Conceived as “Tokyo being able to make money” (obtained an understanding by vice-governor Akiyama and department directors upon Suzuki’s explanation)
By creating “Visible Business Sites,”
Goals will be obtained across the Metropolitan government, national government, the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee and private sector (seeking transparency, reducing waste)
Corporations of diverse industries, highly motivated small and medium size corporations and engineers will be mobilized.
- Allowing them to work together to develop new products and market them –
Entertainments pushing forward the image of High-Tech City Tokyo (where new technologies and culture are always fused) can be offered following the period to promote Japan as the host for the Olympics/Paralympics in 2020 both in Japan and abroad
⇒ “Tokyo Plaza (tentative name)” Multiple- base deployment plan
For the Tokyo 2020 Organising Committee (TOCOG)
(understanding by Director General / CEO Muto)
New Marketing Partner corporations can be obtained.
Through the tradition method just providing them with the right of publicity/advertising, it is not possible to obtain new Market Partner corporations. New methods of obtaining them to suit present day should be developed. (ex. Google, Apple, Facebook, outer space developers such as Space X, ULA, etc.)
Nationwide participation can be encouraged.
A plan is considered to network the New National Stadium and other Olympic facilities and commercial complexes and shopping streets in local cities.
(IOC rules and Clean Venue Principle should be observed.)
The Action Program can be introduced not only in he Metropolitan area but also to other areas in Japan, to allow small and medium size corporations and people from all walks of life to take part in.
By having a business structure for Marketing Partner corporations (Toyota as the top corporation) to expect profits in return, the funds to develop, manage and operate entertainment business can be raised.
For the Government
(understanding by Minister Endo in charge of the Olympics/Paralympics)
The economy can be raised with the Olympics as a trigger
PM Abe’s growth strategies can be actualized. (program leading to creating 3 million jobs and a 100 trillion yen business scale)
Japan where “all citizens are dynamically engaged” can be realized
A new legacy can be created by “implementing policies as means for a successful business (raising economic level).
It will become a Master Plan to make the Olympics (and post-Olympics Japan) a success in which people can take action upon their own initiative.
At ceremonies at the New National Stadium and other official events, digital entertainments can be transmitted to Olympic facilities, and centers in the Metropolitan area and other local cities through network. (official entertainments and official games, etc.)
For the Private Sector (Marketing Partner corporations)
(understandings by Cho honorable chairman, Toyota, and others)
Able to return the sponsoring money to IOC as business profits
(the aim of making the greatest contribution to IOC is to spread fuel cell vehicles (FCVs) to the world in case of Toyota)
Marketing Partner corporations can be profitable.
Able to take part in the Olympics as technology-oriented corporations in a technology-supported country (gain realistic profits not like conventional publicity and advertizing effects)
Able to develop entertainment contents containing technological strength and service competence of Marketing Partner corporations, (which are different from the conventional entertainments seeking only advertizing effects) and offer them to Japan and abroad