KOJI SUZUKI Total Project-Producer ―― SUPER STUDIO.INC  Japanese
KOJI  SUZUKI   Total Project-Producer ―― SUPER STUDIO.INC
Japan’s survival through hub development
Considering that hub development will be of key importance for Japan as part of the vision for economic measures after the global financial crisis in 2008, I approached more than a dozen parliamentary members and organized the Parliamentary League for the Promotion of Hub Development at the end of 2008.
In May 2009, we prepared the draft for the Basic Hub Development Act (also in English, General Rules and 40 articles and byelaws) and it is now under examination by the Parliamentary League.
Hub development in Japan cannot be achieved by Japan alone. It requires cooperation from the governments, government-related corporations and private corporations in Singapore and Hong Kong which have strong dynamism in Asia. Therefore, we have been discussing the matter with them.
We are thankful to them for their kind cooperation.
1. Why is hub development necessary for Japan?
Summary for the enactment of "the Basic Law to Strengthen Hubs in Japan
2. How are we going to realize it?
We organized the Parliamentary League for the Promotion of Hub Development consisting of parliament members.
Memo on the Discussions of the Parliamentary League for Strengthening and Developing Hubs in Japan
We prepared the draft of the Basic Hub Development Act.
  The Basic Act, when enacted, will be implemented with strong political leadership under the Prime Minister as the chairperson, and the chairperson of the Parliamentary League as a vice-chairperson of the Promotion Headquarters.
Basic Hub Development Act (Draft)
We prepared a draft plan for economic measures to turn Japan into a hub.
Economic Policy through the Promotion of Hub Development in Japan (Draft)
We prepared the tentative strategic framework for hub development.
Draft Strategy as a National Policy
Preparatory materials to draft the Basic Hub Development Act:
Doc. 1 (English, April 2009)
Doc. 2 (Japanese, Dec. 2008)
3.Activity Progress in Japan
Meetings of the Parliamentary League for the Promotion of Hub Development
Photos of a meeting of the Parliamentary League for the Promotion of Hub Development
4.Activity Progress in Other Countrie
Meetings with collaborators in other countries
Photos of a meeting of the Parliamentary League for the Promotion of Hub Development
5. Legislation of casinos as a part of the hub development initiative
Legislation aiming for the national interest
1) Process of legislating casinos - underway
2) Concept for legislating casinos
   Basic Policy for Legislating the Introduction of Casinos in Japan
6. Information to Japan from major overseas media
We plan to send information from overseas to the Japanese public who has no experience in hub development in order to develop people’s understanding about hubs and their economic impact. Through that effort, the concept “For Japan to survive and become a driving force of the economy of Asia, hub development is indispensable” will be widely accepted.
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